Running Dojo DOH tests in a browser without a web server

Dojo’s DOH requires a web server to run tests in a browser. But never fear:

$ cd ~/code/dojo
$ ls
docs  dojo  util
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer &
$ xdg-open http://localhost:8000/util/doh/runner.html

Note that you will see some test failures, because the python web server doesn’t do PHP.

When finished:

$ kill %1

to stop your web server.

On Python 3, use this instead of the SimpleHTTPServer line:

python3 -m http.server &

Yes, Python includes a little web server that serves files in your current directory. Batteries included. Thanks to Lyle Backenroth and commandlinefu for making me aware of this.

Running Dojo 1.7+ DOH unit tests on the command line with Rhino

To run your own DOH-based unit tests on the command line using Rhino:

NOTE: this is Dojo 1.7 and above. For 1.6, there was a whole other cryptic incantation.

Project layout

Imagine your code is somewhere different from dojo, and another library you use is somewhere else:


Config file

Yes, you need a config file. Imagine it’s at C:/code/mycode/dohconfig.js and it looks like this:

    paths: {
        "org/me" : "../../../code/mycode/org/me",
        "org/them" : "../../../code/mycode/org/them/nicelib"

Command line

Now you can run your tests like this:

java -jar C:/libs/dojo/util/shrinksafe/js.jar C:/libs/dojo/dojo/dojo.js baseUrl=file:///C:/libs/dojo/dojo load=file:///C:/code/mycode/dohconfig.js load=doh test=org/me/mytests/mytestmodule


  • java -jar – run Java and execute a JAR file.
  • C:/libs/dojo/util/shrinksafe/js.jar – path to the JAR file that is Rhino, a JavaScript interpreter written in Java (and included in Dojo’s source distribution).
  • C:/libs/dojo/dojo/dojo.js – the Dojo “loader” – unlike in 1.6 and earlier, you don’t run DOH’s runner.js. Instead you run dojo.js and pass “load=doh” as an argument.
  • baseUrl=file:///C:/libs/dojo/dojo – a URL form of the location of the directory that contains dojo.js.
  • load=file:///C:/code/mycode/dohconfig.js – the location of your config file, which defines the “paths” variable, previously (in 1.6) known as registerModulePaths. This variable helps Dojo find your code based on its module name (here “org/me”).
  • load=doh – after you’ve read (actually, executed) the config file, execute DOH.
  • test=org/me/mytests/mytestmodule – the module name of your test (not the path – a module name which can be found using the lookups in the paths defined in your config file).