I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with how crufty my neovim config was getting, and especially how I didn’t understand parts of it, so I decided to wipe it clean and rebuild it from scratch.
I did it live on stream, to make it feel like a worthwhile activity:
Headline features of the new vimrc:
- A new theme, using the base16 theme framework
- A file browser (NERDTree)
- A minimalist status line with vim-airline
- Search with ripgrep
- Rust language support with Coc
Note: after the stream I managed to resolve the remaining issues with highlight colours not showing by triggering re-applying them after the theme has been applied:
augroup tabs_in_make autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * highlight MatchParen cterm=none ctermbg=none ctermfg=green augroup END
You can find my current neovim config at gitlab.com/andybalaam/configs/-/tree/main/.config/nvim.