Everybody hates build.xml (code reuse in Ant)

If you’re starting a new Java project, I’d suggest suggest considering the many alternatives to Ant, including Gant, Gradle, SCons and, of course, Make. This post is about how to bend Ant to work like a programming language, so you can write good code in it. It’s seriously worth considering a build tool that actually is a programming language.

If you’ve chosen Ant, or you’re stuck with Ant, read on.

Slides: Everybody hates build.xml slides.

Most projects I’ve been involved with that use Ant have a hateful build.xml surrounded by fear. The most important reason for this is that the functionality of the build file is not properly tested, so you never know whether you’ve broken it, meaning you never make “non-essential” changes i.e. changes that make it easier to use or read. A later post and video will cover how to test your build files, but first we must address a pre-requisite:

Can you write good code in Ant, even if you aren’t paralysed by fear?

One of the most important aspects of good code is that you only need to express each concept once. Or, to put it another way, you can re-use code.

I want to share with you some of the things I have discovered recently about Ant, and how you should (and should not) re-use code.

But first:

What is Ant?

Ant is 2 languages:

  • A declarative language to describe dependencies
  • A procedural language to prescribe actions

In fact, it’s just like a Makefile (ignore this if Makefiles aren’t familiar). A Makefile rule consists of a target (the name before the colon) with its dependencies (the names after the colon), which make up a declarative description of the dependencies, and the commands (the things indented by tabs) which are a normal procedural description of what to do to build that target.

# Ignore this if you don't care about Makefiles!
target: dep1 dep2   # Declarative
    action1         # Procedural

The declarative language

In Ant, the declarative language is a directed graph of targets and dependencies:

<target name="A"/>
<target name="B" depends="A"/>
<target name="C" depends="B"/>
<target name="D" depends="A"/>

This language describes a directed graph of dependencies. I.e. they say what depends on what, or what must be built before you can build something else. Targets and dependencies are completely separate from what lives inside them, which are tasks.

The procedural language

The procedural language is a list of tasks:

<target ...>
    <javac ...>
    <copy ...>
    <zip ...>
    <junit ...>

When the dependency mechanism has decided a target will be executed, its tasks are executed one by one in order, just like in a programming language. Except that tasks live inside targets, they are completely separate from them. Essentially each target has a little program inside it consisting of tasks, and these tasks are a conventional programming language, nothing special (except for the lack of basic looping and branching constructs).

I’m sorry if the above is glaringly obvious to you, but it only recently became clear to me, and it helped me a lot to think about how to improve my Ant files.

Avoiding repeated code

Imagine you have two similar Ant targets:

<target name="A">
        srcdir="a/src" destdir="a/bin"
        classpath="myutil.jar" debug="false"

<target name="B">
        srcdir="b/code" destdir="b/int"
        classpath="myutil.jar" debug="false"

The classpath and debug information are the same in both targets, and we would like to write this information in one single place. Imagine with me that the code we want to share is too complex for it to be possible to store it as the values of properties in some properties file.

How do we share this code?

The Wrong Way: antcall

Here’s the solution we were using in my project until I discovered the right way:

<target name="compile">
        srcdir="${srcdir}" destdir="${destdir}"
        classpath="myutil.jar" debug="false"

<target name="A">
    <antcall target="compile">
        <param name="srcdir" value="a/src"/>
        <param name="destdir" value="a/bin"/>

<target name="B">
    <antcall target="compile">

Here we put the shared code into a target called compile, which makes use of properties to access the varying information (or the parameters, if we think of this as a function). The targets A and B use the <antcall> task to launch the compile target, setting the values of the relevant properties.

This works, so why is it Wrong?

Why not antcall?

antcall launches a whole new Ant process and runs the supplied target within that. This is wrong because it subverts the way Ant is supposed to work. The new process will re-calculate all the dependencies in the project (even if our target doesn’t depend on anything) which could be slow. Any dependencies of the compile target will be run even if they’ve already been run, meaning some of your assumptions about order of running could be incorrect, and the assumption that each target will only run once will be violated. What’s more, it subverts the Ant concept that properties are immutable, and remain set once you’ve set them: in the example above, srcdir and destdir will have different values at different times (because they exist inside different Ant processes).

Basically what we’re doing here is breaking all of Ant’s paradigms to force it to do what we want. Before Ant 1.8 you could have considered it a necessary evil. Now, it’s just Evil.

The Horrific Way: custom tasks

Ant allows you to write your own tasks (not targets) in Java. So our example would look something like this:


public class MyCompile extends Task {
    public void execute() throws BuildException
        Project p = getProject();

        Javac javac = new Javac();

        javac.setSrcdir(  new Path( p, p.getUserProperty( "srcdir" ) ) );
        javac.setDestdir( new File( p.getUserProperty( "destdir" ) ) );
        javac.setClasspath( new Path( p, "myutil.jar" ) );
        javac.setDebug( false );


<target name="first">
    <javac srcdir="mycompile"/>
    <taskdef name="mycompile" classname="MyCompile"

<target name="A" depends="first">

<target name="B" depends="first">

Here we write the shared code as a Java task, then call that task from inside targets A and B. The only word to describe this approach is “cumbersome”. Not only do we need to ensure our code gets compiled before we try to use it, and add a taskdef to allow Ant to see our new task (meaning every target gets a new dependency on the “first” target), but much worse, our re-used code has to be written in Java, rather than the Ant syntax we’re using for everything else. At this point you might start asking yourself why you’re using Ant at all – my thoughts start drifting towards writing my own build scripts in Java … anyway, I’m sure that would be a very bad idea.

The Relatively OK Way: macrodef

So, enough teasing. Here’s the Right Way:

<macrodef name="mycompile">
    <attribute name="srcdir"/>
    <attribute name="destdir"/>
            srcdir="@{srcdir}" destdir="@{destdir}"
            classpath="myutil.jar" debug="false"

<target name="A">
    <mycompile srcdir="a/src" destdir="a/bin"/>

<target name="B">
    <mycompile srcdir="b/code" destdir="b/int"/>

Since Ant 1.8, we have the macrodef task, which allows us to write our own tasks in Ant syntax. In any other language these would be called functions, with arguments which Ant calls attributes. You use these attributes by giving their name wrapped in a @{} rather than the normal ${} for properties. The body of the function lives inside a sequential tag.

This allows us to write re-usable tasks within Ant. But what about re-using parts from the other language – the declarative targets and dependencies?

Avoiding repeated dependencies?

Imagine we have a build file containing targets like this:

<target name="everyoneneedsme"...

<target name="A" depends="everyoneneedsme"...
<target name="B" depends="everyoneneedsme"...
<target name="C" depends="everyoneneedsme"...
<target name="D" depends="everyoneneedsme"...

In Ant, I don’t know how to share this. The best I can do is make a single target that is re-used whenever I want the same long list of dependencies, but in a situation like this where everything needs to depend on something, I don’t know what to do. (Except, of course, drop to the Nuclear Option of the <script> tag, which we’ll see next time.)

I haven’t used it in anger, but this kind of thing seems pretty straightforward with Gradle. I believe the following is roughly equivalent to my example above, but I hope someone will correct me if I get it wrong:

task everyoneneedsme

tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
    task.dependsOn everyoneneedsme
task A
task B
task C
task D

(Disclaimer: I haven’t run this.)

So, if you want nice features in your build tool, like code-reuse and testability, you should consider a build tool that is integrated into a grown-up programming language where all this stuff comes for free. But, if you’re stuck with Ant, you should not despair: basic good practice is possible if you make the effort.

Dry run mode for Ant (ant -n, ant –dry-run)

I am working on the problem of writing Ant build files in a test-driven way. One thing I found myself needing was a “dry run” mode, like many Unix tools have. For example, make has the -n or –dry-run option, which shows what it would have done, but doesn’t really do it.

Today I found a partial solution to this problem, so that you can at least see which dependencies will be run when you run a particular ant target.

It’s an horrific hack, but it’s the best I can do at the moment.

We write some code in a <script> tag to hack all the targets in our project (at runtime). We modify the targets so they all have an “unless” attribute, set to a property name of “DRY-RUN”. Then we set the “DRY-RUN” property, and execute our target.

Ant prints out the names of all the targets in the dependency chain, even if they are not executed because of an unless attribute.

Note: this code makes use of the Ant <script> script tag, which is an Ant 1.8+ feature. Using JavaScript inside this tag seems to be supported in Oracle, OpenJDK and IBM versions of Java, but is not guaranteed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="build">

    <target name="targetA"/>
    <target name="targetB" depends="targetA">
        <echo message="DON'T RUN ME"/>
    <target name="targetC" depends="targetB"/>

    <target name="build" depends="targetB"/>

    <target name="dry-run">
        <do-dry-run target="build"/>

    <macrodef name="do-dry-run">
        <attribute name="target"/>
            <script language="javascript"><![CDATA[

                var targs = project.getTargets().elements();
                while( targs.hasMoreElements() ) {
                    var targ = targs.nextElement();
                    targ.setUnless( "DRY.RUN" );
                project.setProperty( "DRY.RUN", "1" );
                project.executeTarget( "@{target}" );



Running this build file normally, the tasks in the targets execute, so we can see that the <echo> happens:

$ ant
Buildfile: build.xml


     [echo] DON'T RUN ME


Total time: 0 seconds

But when we run the dry-run target, only the target names are printed, and the <echo> task (and any other tasks) don’t:

$ ant dry-run
Buildfile: build.xml





Total time: 0 seconds

A lot of pain, for a partial implementation of very simple functionality that you’d expect to be a built-in feature? I couldn’t possibly comment.

Launching an OSGi app on the command line

I am a total beginner on this topic, but here is what I have found so far. Please correct me, advise me etc. in the comments.

A colleague has written a program based on OSGi, which is a framework for obfuscating everything “modular” software, which I think means loading code at runtime, even if it requires a different classloader, and even if it depends on other things which also need loading at runtime. I may be wrong though.

Anyway, all I want to do is run it (on windows only, for now).

OSGi is quite closely linked to the Eclipse development environment – Eclipse uses OSGi to manage its plugins, which are an infinitely complex web of incompatible interdependencies.

My colleague showed me how to set up their Eclipse environment, and how to run the program from within Eclipse using an OSGi launch configuration. I also managed to build the JAR files of the program itself.

What I wanted to do was run it outside Eclipse, on the command line (and eventually in an Ant build).

I found it almost impossible to understand anything others have written about OSGi, but somehow I muddled my way through to being able to do it.

Here’s how I managed it.

Find out the dependencies

If you have an Eclipse launch configuration that successfully runs your program inside Eclipse, you can find out all the OSGi bundles (which are JAR files containing extra config) that it needs. Go to the Run menu and click Run Configurations. Find the relevant run configuration, which will be inside the OSGi Framework tree item on the left. Click on it, and choose the Bundles tab. The tree view will show you all the bundles needed to run this program. If you check “Only show selected” you can see only the ones you need.

If you want a text version of this list, look for a file here:


where WORKSPACE is the location of your Eclipse workspace, and LAUNCHERNAME is the name of the run configuration you found in the tree view in the Run Configurations page.

The bundles.info file contains a comma-separated list of bundle name (which is a reversed-url type name, like a package name – don’t confuse it with a package name though), some version information, and the path to the actual JAR file that is this bundle.

We will also need the Equinox OSGi bundles, including the SimpleConfigurator (oh, the irony). I am using these versions – yours might be different:


(I have no idea whether you need all of these – sorry.)

Make a fake environment

Imagine you have a program that consists of 2 JARs itself, called my_program_main_1.0.jar and my_program_lib_1.1.jar, 2 dependency bundles called com.dep1_3.6v20091112.jar and org.dep2_1.0.jar and a directory containing a dependency bundle called org.foo.dep3_1.4.

Create a directory that will contain your program and its dependencies. Structure it like this:

                ... more stuff in here ...
                ... more stuff in here ...
            ... lots more here ...

Copy your program’s JARs into the my_program directory (feel free to give it a different name!).

Copy the Equinox bundles and the other dependencies into the plugins directory. You can find them in the directory listed in the bundles.info file you found in the previous section. The Equinox bundles should be alongside the others (hopefully).

The contents of bundles.info should be something like this:

... Plus similar lines for all the equinox and OSGi bundles you need ...

Make sure that the version number after the first comma exactly matches the version number encoded in the JAR filename.

The contents of config.ini should be something like this:


Note that these paths have to be absolute. I plan to write a small ant script to create the config.ini file when needed.

Run the program

Now, to run your program, it’s a simple matter of getting into the right directory:

cd "C:\absolute\path\to\main_dir"

and typing this simple command:

java -Declipse.ignoreApp=true -Dosgi.noShutdown=true -Dfile.encoding=Cp1252 -classpath "osgi_install_area\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.1.1.R36x_v20101122_1400.jar" org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main -configuration "file:configuration/" -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -nl en_GB -console ACTUAL_ARGS_TO_PROGRAM

Where ACTUAL_ARGS_TO_PROGRAM is where you type the actual command-line arguments (if any) you want to pass to your program.


I have no idea what most of this means, and I’ve probably told you a lot of things that are wrong. Please, people who know about this stuff, correct me and I’ll update this post.

This worked for me, but I feel like I must be doing something wrong – can it really be this difficult?