Uploading to PeerTube from the command line

PeerTube’s API documentation gives an example of how to upload a video, but it is missing a couple of important aspects, most notably how to provide multiple tags use form-encoded input, so my more complete script is below. Use it like this:

# First, make sure jq is installed
echo "myusername" > username
echo "mypassword" > password
./upload "video_file.mp4"


  1. Your username and password are visible via ps to users on the same machine (tips to avoid this are welcome)
  2. I can’t work out how to include newlines in the video description (again, tips welcome)

You will need to edit the script to provide your own PeerTube server URL, channel ID (a number), video description, tags etc. Output and errors from the script will be placed in curl-out.txt. Read the API docs to see what numbers you need to use for category, license etc.

Here is upload:


set -e
set -u

USERNAME="$(cat username)"
PASSWORD="$(cat password)"

client_id=$(curl -s "${API_PATH}/oauth-clients/local" | jq -r ".client_id")
client_secret=$(curl -s "${API_PATH}/oauth-clients/local" | jq -r ".client_secret")
token=$(curl -s "${API_PATH}/users/token" \
  --data client_id="${client_id}" \
  --data client_secret="${client_secret}" \
  --data grant_type=password \
  --data response_type=code \
  --data username="${USERNAME}" \
  --data password="${PASSWORD}" \
  | jq -r ".access_token")

echo "Uploading ${FILE_PATH}"
curl "${API_PATH}/videos/upload" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
  --output curl-out.txt \
  --max-time 6000 \
  --form videofile=@"${FILE_PATH}" \
  --form channelId=${CHANNEL_ID} \
  --form name="$NAME" \
  --form category=15 \
  --form licence=7 \
  --form description="MY_VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" \
  --form language=en \
  --form privacy=1 \
  --form tags="TAG1" \
  --form tags="TAG2" \
  --form tags="TAG3" \
  --form tags="TAG4"

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