How to use git (the basics)

Series: Why git?, Basics, Branches, Merging, Remotes

Git is a very powerful tool, but somewhat intimidating at first. I will be making some videos working through how to use it step by step.

First, we look at how to track your own code on your own computer, and then get a brief look at a killer feature: stash, which lets you pause what you were doing and come back to it later.

Slides: How to use git (the basics) slides.

Using gnome-mplayer to play DVB radio without asking whether you want to resume

When I launch gnome-mplayer to play back radio over my TV card (DVB), it asks me whether I want to resume from where I left off, which doesn’t make sense for this kind of stream.

I couldn’t find a way to switch this off, but a little hacking with gnome-mplayer’s sqlite database does the trick.

Here’s my Radio 4 launch script:


URI="dvb://BBC Radio 4"

sqlite3 ~/.config/gnome-mplayer/gnome-mplayer.db "DELETE FROM media_entries WHERE uri='${URI}'"

gnome-mplayer "${URI}"

C++14 “Terse” Templates – an argument against the proposed syntax

Today I attended two excellent talks by Bjarne Stroustrup at the ACCU Conference 2013. The first was an inspiring explanation of the recent C++11 standard, and the second, “C++14 Early thoughts” was an exciting description of some of the features that might go into the next standard.

One of those features, which Bjarne called “Terse” Templates, might be a good idea, but the syntax Bjarne proposed seems like a bad idea to me, because it leaks unwanted names into the namespace containing the function you are writing.

Allow me to explain.

Background – Concepts Lite

I attended another excellent talk before Bjarne’s, called “Concepts Lite-Constraining Templates with Predicates” by Andrew Sutton, introducing “Concepts Lite”, which is an attempt to salvage a manageable language feature from the very large “Concepts” feature that failed to make it into C++11.

My (so far very basic) understanding of Concepts Lite is that it is a way of defining conditions that state whether a template will be expanded for a given type.

So, in C++11 (and C++98), we can declare a (stupid) template function like so:

template<typename ListOfInt>
int first( ListOfInt& list ) { return list.size() > 0 ? list[0] : 0; }

The code in this function template assumes that list has a size method, and an operator[] method. We tried to “suggest” this, by naming our template parameter ListOfInt, but the poor programmer may not realise exactly what we meant.

If we do the wrong thing, and try to use the first function with an int argument:

int i = 3;
first( i );

It goes wrong, because ints don’t have a size method:

In function 'int first(ListOfInt&) [with ListOfInt = int]':
error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer
error: request for member 'size' in 'list', which is of non-class type 'int'

This error is not too obscure, but in complex cases the errors can be extremely long, and point to problems that appear to be unrelated to the code we are writing.

Really what we want to know is that int is not a ListOfInt.

Concepts Lite give us the ability to define what a ListOfInt means, and only expand the template for types that match that definition.

In our example we would do something like this:

template<typename ListOfInt> requires SizeAndIndex<ListOfInt>()
int first( ListOfInt& list ) { return list.size() > 0 ? list[0] : 0; }

(There is actually a neater syntax, but we’ll do it like this for now because we need the more verbose form later.)

What this means is that this template function will only be expanded for types that satisfy the constraint.

The definition of SizeAndIndex is outside the scope of this article – it allows us to check whether types satisfy some conditions. In this case we assume it checks that the type contains the methods we use.

Now when we do the wrong thing:

int i = 3;
first( i );

We get a simple error message, that properly tells us what’s wrong:

error: no matching call to ‘first(int list)’
note: candidate is ‘first(ListOfInt& list)’
note: where ListOfInt = int
note: template constraints not satisfied
note: ‘ListOfInt’ is not a/an ‘SizeAndIndex’ type since
note: ‘list.size()’ is not valid syntax

(The above is fiction, but Andrew assures us he gets real errors like this with his prototype.)

So Concepts Lite gives us the optional ability to check that our template parameters are what we expected them to be, giving a decent error message, instead of waiting for something to fail much later when we compile the instantiated template.

So far so utterly cool. (And, in my ill-informed opinion, the only bit of Concepts I really wanted anyway.)

There’s more information on this feature here: Concepts Lite: Constraining Templates with Predicates and here: Concepts-Lite.

Constraints on multiple types

The Concepts Lite feature as proposed allows us to specify constraints that describe how multiple types relate to each other, by doing something like this:

template<typename Victim1, typename Victim2> requires Lakosable<Victim1, Victim2>
void lakos( Victim1 a, Victim2 b );

Here the Lakosable constraint can specify conditions that describe how the two types relate to each other, for example that Victim1::value_type is equal to the type of Victim2.

This is very good.

Now, the bit I want to argue against.

“Terse” Templates – the syntax I don’t like

Bjarne gave us an example of the std::merge function, which has lots of arguments, and very complex constraints on them. He showed us that these could all be nicely wrapped into a single Mergeable constraint (similar to the Lakosable constraint above) but he argued that there was still too much repetition. The repetition comes from the fact that several functions in the standard library have the exact same template parameters, with the exact same constraints on them, and that you have to mention the whole list of template parameters twice: once after the template keyword, and once in the requires condition.

This led him to look for a terser syntax.

So, he proposed a modest new construct that looks like this:

using Lakosable{Victim1,Victim2}; // (1)

that allows a radical departure from everything that has gone before in terms of declaring templates. After we’ve made the declaration (1), we can declare the exact function we declared above with this little line:

void lakos( Victim1 a, Victim2 b ); // (2)

The using declaration in (1) makes the names Victim1 and Victim2 available in the current namespace, and gives them special powers that mean functions taking parameters of type Victim1 or Victim2 are automatically function templates, even though the template keyword is nowhere to be seen.

There was some resistance in the room to this proposal. Most of it focussed on (2), and the fact that templates were being declared without it being visible because of the lack of the template keyword.

I’m actually ok with (2). In fact, my ficticious programming language Pepper (which represents everything I think is Right in programming languages) provides a feature very much like this – all non-definite parameter types act as “implicit” templates in Pepper (see “implicit_templates.pepper” on the Examples page).

Bjarne made a reasonable defence of (2), arguing that we often want new features to be “signposted” by new keywords (he cited user-defined types as an example – apparently some people wanted to require “class MyClass” instead of just “MyClass” every time we referred to a user-defined type) but later when they are familiar we want less verbose syntax. (Presumably the “new” feature he was talking about here is templates.)

My problem is with (1).

As my neighbour in the talk (whose name I missed, sorry) pointed out, what (1) does is dump 2 new names Victim1 and Victim2 in the namespace containing the lakos function template.

No-one wants these names.

In fact, why are we doing any of this?

The sole purpose of the exercise is to constrain the lakos function template. Why is the result putting 2 names into the namespace?

More seriously, in the case of the standard library, these names will go into the std:: namespace, and there could easily be clashes. If the std::merge function uses the name For for one of its template parameters (a Forward_iterator), and std::copy wants to use one with the same name, but with different constraints, it will override the definition of For.

I.e. If we do this:

namespace std {
using Mergeable{For,For2,Out};
// define std::merge

// and somewhere else:

namespace std {
using Copyable{For,Out};
// define std::copy

then the (useless) value of std::For will be different depending on the order in which we import the header files.

I Think

I think.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.


If I’m right, this all seems bad and Wrong.

What was wrong with:

template<typename Victim1, typename Victim2> requires Lakosable<Victim1, Victim2>
void lakos( Victim1 a, Victim2 b );


setUp and tearDown considered harmful

Some unit test frameworks provide methods (often called setUp and tearDown, or annotated with @Before and @After) that are called automatically before a unit test executes, and afterwards.

This structure is presumably intended to avoid repetition of code that is identical in all the tests within one test file.

I have always instinctively avoided using these methods, and when a colleague used them recently I thought I should try to write up why I feel negative about them. Here it is:

Update: note I am talking about unit tests here. I know these frameworks can be used for other types of test, and maybe in that context these methods could be useful.

1. It’s action at a distance

setUp and tearDown are called automatically, with no indication in your code that you use them, or don’t use them. They are “magic”, and everyone hates magic.

If someone is reading your test (because it broke, probably) they don’t know whether some setUp will be called without manually scanning your code to find out whether it exists. Do you hate them?

2. setUp contains useless stuff

How many tests do you have in one file? When you first write it, maybe, just maybe, all the tests need the exact same setup. Later, you’ll write new tests that only use part of it.

Very soon, you grow an uber-setUp that does all the setup for various different tests, creating objects you don’t need. This adds complexity for everyone who has to read your tests – they don’t know which bits of setUp are used in this test, and which are cruft for something else.

3. They require member variables

The only useful work you can do inside setUp and tearDown is creating and modifying member variables.

Now your tests aren’t self-contained – they use these member variables, and you must make absolutely sure that your test works no matter what state they are in. These member variables are not useful for anything else – they are purely an artifact of the choice to use setUp and tearDown.

4. A named function is better

When you have setup code to share, write a function or method. Give it a name, make it return the thing it creates. By giving it a name you make your test easier to read. By returning what it creates, you avoid the use of member variables. By avoiding the magic setUp method, you give yourself the option of calling more than one setup function, making code re-use more granular (if you want).

5. What goes in tearDown?

If you’re using tearDown, what are you doing?

Are you tearing down some global state? I thought this was a unit test?

Are you ensuring nothing is left in an unpredictable state for future tests? Surely those tests guarantee their state at the start?

What possible use is there for this function?


A unit test should be a self-contained pure function, with no dependencies on other state. setUp and tearDown force you to depend on member variables of your test class, for no benefits over named functions, except that you don’t have to type their names. I consider typing the name of a properly-named function to be a benefit.

Why use git for source control?

Series: Why git?, Basics, Branches, Merging, Remotes

Putting your code in git is fast, flexible and powerful. You can track versions on a single machine, or scale up to thousands of people working together, with sub-teams, reviews and cherry-picking of changes. Don’t fear branching any more:

Slides: Why use git for source control? slides.