Rust 101 – 31: Exercises for module D (q1)

Some good patterns to follow in your code e.g. “newtype”, “typestate” and one to avoid.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async

This section (Trait objects): 28: Dynamic dispatch, 29: Object safety, 30: Patterns, 31: Exercise D1, 32: Exercise D2, 33: Exercise D3


The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2024 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Rust 101 – 30: Good patterns and not so good

Some good patterns to follow in your code e.g. “newtype”, “typestate” and one to avoid.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async

This section (Trait objects): 28: Dynamic dispatch, 29: Object safety, 30: Patterns, 31: Exercise D1, 32: Exercise D2, 33: Exercise D3


The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2024 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Rust 101 – 29: Trait objects and object safety

Trying to explain why the rules for object safety are the way they are, and how to create and use a trait objects.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async

This section (Trait objects): 28: Dynamic dispatch, 29: Object safety, 30: Patterns, 31: Exercise D1, 32: Exercise D2, 33: Exercise D3


The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2024 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Rust 101 – 28: Dynamic dispatch

Explaining how to hold on to something even when we don’t know its exact type, just what trait it implements.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async

This section (Trait objects): 28: Dynamic dispatch, 29: Object safety, 30: Patterns, 31: Exercise D1, 32: Exercise D2, 33: Exercise D3


The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2024 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

New home for my videos:

Huge thanks to Micah Scott for hosting my videos on until recently.

My videos are moving to – please update all your feeds. (Thanks to Jerry Bell for running that – please donate!)

You can follow this blog for an “always” reliable source of truth for my stuff.

Following me on Mastodon at is likely to be pretty reliable too.

I will remove the live recordings from quite soon, to free up space. I will leave the lectures up there for as long as possible, but they may go away at any time.