s11e08 Karen Sandler on taking back control through Software Freedom – The Good Robot Andys

AndyB is extremely excited to introduce AndyC to Karen Sandler from the Software Freedom Conservancy. Links: The Software Freedom Conservancy Outreachy – Internships supporting diversity in tech Declaration of Digital Autonomy Follow @conservancy@sfconservancy.org on Mastodon Follow @karen@floss.social on Mastodon Inkscape

s11e07 What is a programming language? – The Good Robot Andys

AndyC asks AndyB “What is a programming language?” AndyB rambles on about some stuff, with heckling from AndyC, before they conclude that it’s really a community of people or something. That Alien: Romulus trailer is at youtube.com/watch?v=GTNMt84KT0k. The Good Robot

s11e01 Will killer AI take over the world? – The Good Robot Andys

So-called AI is constantly in the news, but Andy C wants to know whether we should stop researching it because of the risk of a Terminator-style army of killer robots. Andy B explains his belief that real intelligence is very

s10e04 How do I Mastodon? – The Good Robot Andys

A tech episode where Andy C questions Andy B about what Mastodon is, why you might want to go there instead of Twitter, and how to get started with choosing a server and finding people to follow. Follow us on

s10e02 Cellular Automata – The Good Robot Andys

A tech takeover this week with special guest Fran Buontempo talking about Cellular Automata – a cool techie toy for exploring the links between computation, complexity and life, or at the very least a sort-of interesting way of generating some

s08e06 Encryption – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion of what that little padlock symbol next to a web address means, and some vague suggestions as to how it works. Andy C questions Andy B, who fails to understand and effectively communicates that failure. For further reading, check

s06e10 What is Artificial Intelligence? – The Good Robot Andys

Special guest Fran Buontempo, expert in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, talks to us about everything from body/soul duality to how to train artificial birds to fly out of a paper bag. Andy B asks stupid questions and Andy C

s06e01 Behaviour manipulation (or: Why Ditch Facebook?) – The Good Robot Andys

Facebook and other social media companies have been shown to be irresponsible with politics, with private information and with their social responsibilities. If we’re not the customer, maybe we’re the product. Andy B explains how powerful these companies have become,

s03e21 “The Open Source Community” – The Good Robot Andys

What is Open Source? Why is it important? Andy Cockerill tries to to restrain Andy Balaam from rambling forever about Linux, Apache and all the cool things that power the Googles, Facebooks, and Amazons of the new world we are

s03e17 “Meltdown & Spectre” – The Good Robot Andys

The Andys take a break from movie discussion to talk tech, about the Meltdown and Spectre exploits that allow malicious people to grab secret information from loads of different types of computer. Andy Balaam insists that the way it works

s03e05 “WannaCry Ransomware Attack” – The Good Robot Andys

Andy Cockerill questions Andy Balaam about what happened to all those NHS computers and whether we should be scared. Andy Balaam answers that it was something called WannaCry and we should only be moderately worried, and we should all Update

s02e10 “What is Coding?” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) about what Coding is. In a shocking reversal, Andy Balaam plays the expert as he tries to explain a bit about what programming is, where it came from, and how you can get into it.

s02e08 “What is Linux?” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) about what Linux is. In a shocking reversal, Andy Balaam plays the expert as he tries to explain what Linux is made of to Andy Cockerill, who pretends not to know. Andy Balaam rants on

s02e06 “What is the Internet made of?” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) about what The Internets is made of. In a shocking reversal, Andy Balaam plays the expert as he tries to explain what the Internet is made of to Andy Cockerill, who pretends not to know.