s08e09 Blinded by the Light – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (with spoilers) of Blinded by the Light. Andy B thinks it’s a far-right religious revelation film ending in the destruction of everyone in the world except the pious few, but Andy C explains it’s a joyous tear-inducing coming-of-age film

s08e08 Saint Maud – The Good Robot Andys

Content warning for discussion of a film featuring severe mental health problems and suicide. Discussion (with spoilers) of Saint Maud. Andy B thinks it’s an Emma Thompson movie about a boarding school but Andy C puts him straight: it’s a

s08e07 Relic – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (with spoilers) of Relic. Andy B thinks it’s a rollicking Disney adventure about some mice who can breathe under water, which is an interesting commentary on religion, but Andy C explains it’s a subtle horror that explores generational trauma