Change Time Zone

The time seems to be wrong - how can I fix it?

If, when you click Go to now FreeGuide scrolls to a time which is not now, you know FreeGuide is wrong about the time.

Note: if FreeGuide goes to the right time when you click Go to now, but your TV programmes are listed as being at the wrong time, that is a slightly different problem. You can probably fix it by SettingTheTZEnvironmentVariable.

If FreeGuide is wrong about the time, it is probably because it doesn't know what time zone you are in.

First you will need to find out the name of your time zone. This site might help: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/findzone/findzone.tzc. Examples are "Europe/London", "US/Pacific", "Africa/Algiers".

How you tell FreeGuide your time zone depends on what operating system you are using:

Linux, FreeBSD, etc.

Create a file in your home directory called ".freeguiderc", and make it look like this:


(Except replace "Europe/Paris" with your time zone name.)

When you've made this change, FreeGuide should know the correct time. If not, please ContactUs and we'll try and work out why not.


  • Find the shortcut (button) you use to launch FreeGuide (e.g. on your Start Menu under Programs, on your Quick Launch bar near the Start button, or on your desktop.
  • Right-click the shortcut and choose "Properties".
  • Find the command that is used to launch FreeGuide. It will probably look something like this:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe -jar "C:\Program Files\FreeGuide\startup.jar" --doc_directory="C:\Program Files\FreeGuide\doc" --install_directory="C:\Program Files\FreeGuide"
  • Change the command, to add something after the "javaw.exe" part. What you need to add is:
(Except replace "Europe/Paris" with your time zone name.)
  • So the example above would now look like:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe -Duser.timezone=Europe/Paris -jar "C:\Program Files\FreeGuide\startup.jar" --doc_directory="C:\Program Files\FreeGuide\doc" --install_directory="C:\Program Files\FreeGuide"

When you've made this change, FreeGuide should know the correct time. If not, please ContactUs and we'll try and work out why not.

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