Android programming – drawing bitmaps in a game loop

Series: Setup, Menu, Drawing, non-Android, Working, Saving state

I will be talking about how to write Android programs that share code with non-Android programs. The program I will be writing is a simple game.

This time we’re writing a game loop and drawing images onto a Canvas using a SurfaceView:

Android programming – a menu using Activities and Intents

Series: Setup, Menu, Drawing, non-Android, Working, Saving state

I will be talking about how to write Android programs that share code with non-Android programs. The program I will be writing is a simple game.

This time we’re making a simple menu structure:

Android programming – setting up Android Studio

Series: Setup, Menu, Drawing, non-Android, Working, Saving state

I will be talking about how to write Android programs that share code with non-Android programs. The program I will be writing is a simple game.

First, how to set up Android Studio:

Entertain your baby using your Android phone

Last night my friend and I uploaded the first version of Baby Distraction, an Android app featuring charming cartoon animals, vibration and sounds.

I helped almost exclusively in an advisory capacity, but still am inexplicably proud of the result: it’s incredibly simple, but polished, and, most importantly, their baby loves it.

This morning I searched for “baby games” on the Android Marketplace, and it was the top hit. Fame and fortune await.