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[phpwiki] BiblicalCompass

In the spirit of the Political Compass ( we're going to have a questionnaire on GuiltyExpression that places you on an axis as a Christian.

The name should probably change from Biblical Compass to Christian Compass or Theological Compass - votes anyone?

This is meant to be a bit of fun, but who know whether it'll become more profound? Basically feel free to be frivolous and silly.

First things first: what are the scales?

Question suggestions

Rate these from Agree Strongly, Agree, Neither, Disagree, Disagree Strongly:

High/low church

Fund/plur axis:

(Fundamentalist is positive, pluralist is negative - no value judgements intended!)

This seems to be getting a bit serious...

EditText of this page (last edited November 18, 2002) [info] [diff])
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